The last year has been a very strange and scary time for everyone. Governor Cuomo’s & Murphy’s stay-at-home Executive Orders seem to be working. It had been in effect since March 21st. This virus is tough but so many people in my community are working hard to follow the guidelines. As we approach the Christmas season there is a new variant called Omicron attacking the country and it is causing a very severe uptick in illness and hospitalization throughout the country.
As a former photojournalist and news producer, I have seen so many scenes of bravery by the people in the frontlines. The doctors, nurses, EMT people have done great work while risking their lives daily. We should not forget the public bus drivers, custodians, and everyone who has contributed their time and goodwill.
The teachers and the parents have had to work extra hard to keep the children safe while continuing to teach the children. The media and celebrities and professional athletes have all done their part.
“What’s true of all the evils in the world is true of plague as well. It helps men to rise above themselves.”
― Albert Camus, The Plague