“To photograph is to hold one’s breath when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It’s at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.” ― Henri Cartier-Bresson
“The Decisive Moment ” was the first photo book that I found in the library. As I thumbed through the photos taken all over the world from the 1940’s to the 1970’s I knew what kind of photography was for me.”
“That was when I started my study of great photography and the people who produced these incredible images.”
“Photography is a small voice, at best, but sometimes one photograph, or a group of them, can lure our sense of awareness.”
W. Eugene Smith
Film Pete Mecca
W. Eugene Smith was no doubt one of the greatest war correspondents of the last century. As the photographer for Life, he followed the island-hopping American offensive against Japan, from Saipan to Guam, from Iwo Jima to Okinawa, where he was hit by mortar fire, and invalided back.
WORLD WAR II. The Pacific Campaign. February 1945. The Battle of Iwo Jima (Japanese island). US Marine demolition team blasting out a cave on Hill 382.
His war wounds cost him two painful years of hospitalization and plastic surgery. During those years he took no photos, and it was doubtful whether he would ever be able to return to photography. Then one day in 1946, he took a walk with his two children, Juanita and Patrick, towards a sun-bathed clearing:
“I knew the photograph, though not perfect, and however unimportant to the world, had been held…. I was aware that mentally, spiritually, even physically, I had taken a first good stride away from those past two wasted and stifled years.”
While he was right about his stride towards recovery, Smith miscalculated the photo’s importance. In 1955, a heavily-indebted Smith decided to submit the photo to Edward Steichen’s now-famous Family of Man exhibit at the MOMA. There, it became a finalist and then the closing image, thus cementing its position as the ur-icon of all family photographs.
Tomoko & Son in Bath, Minamato, Japan 1972
“I’ve never made any picture, good or bad, without paying for it in emotional turmoil.”
It was their light that gave people hope for human potential.
My last story for Life magazine…
…was about a little Catholic school in Jersey City, NJ winning a national basketball championship. After photographing this story I looked over the negatives and realized I had witnessed something special. I knew their story wasn’t just about basketball. I decided to document their story from the inside.
They were good enough to trust me with their story. This small group of nuns and brothers, lay teachers, a phenomenal coach and an amazing group of inner city kids came together in a distinct moment of time to form a bond of trust, teamwork and success.
After finishing my work that year I realized that I wanted to be a teacher and I embarked on a new and rewarding journey. I would like to thank this small family for leading me to a profession that I believe renewed my faith in the human spirit.
Saint Anthonys has been closed down by the diocese for the last two years.
It was their light that gave people hope for human potential.
Photography is about light, it was their light that that was etched on the film in my camera. It is their light that shines through.
Dedicated to:
Dr. Jo-Anne Mecca
My good friends Lyonnelle Le Piouff & Dominique Cruchon
Sister Felicia
Coach Bob Hurley and his family
In memory of Sister Alan